Giveaways and Reviews

The Boys Are Back

In the wake of his wife’s tragic death, a witty, wisecracking, action-oriented, sportswriter (Clive Owen) finds himself in a sudden stultifying state of single parenthood.

With turbulent emotions swirling just below the surface, Joe Warr throws himself into the only child-rearing philosophy he thinks has a shot at bringing joy back into their lives: “just say yes.”

Raising two boys—a curious six-year-old and a rebel teen from a previous marriage—in a household devoid of feminine influence and with an unabashed lack of rules, life becomes exuberant, instinctual, reckless and on the constant verge of disaster.

Out on DVD January 26th, the DVD bonus features include:

  • The Boys Are Back: A Photographic Journey: A picture is worth a 1000 words as director Scott Hinks takes us on a pictorial tour of the making of the film.
  • A Father and Two Sons, On Set: Simon Carr, whose memoir inspired the movie, and his sons visit the set.

I have 2 DVD copies of The Boys Are Back to give away to my readers. To enter, just leave me a comment telling me why you’d like to win.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on January 20th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.


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