I’m a water snob. I refuse to drink tap water. This drives my parents crazy, considering they have done that their entire lives. My dad, in his 70’s, scoffs and then makes fun of me for being silly enough to buy bottled water when we come to visit. The thing is, I can taste a noticeable difference in tap water.
For years now, we have used a stand-alone water cooler and those huge water containers/jugs. BPA has been a concern with the containers themselves. Ours have a 7 in the recycling symbol which is questionable as to whether or not the containers themselves contain BPA (they certainly don’t say BPA free). This is of course concerning to me. I use BPA free sippy cups for my daughter and regular plastic cups for both my kids, yet how helpful is this if I’m potentially pouring water from a BPA filled container into them? It’s enough to make my mommy head spin (and I’m spinning most days as it is!)
Still, the convenience of the water cooler was something I wasn’t sure I was willing to give up. When I received the Mavea Elemaris Water Filtration Pitcher just before the holidays, I actually ended up trying it sooner than I had planned when we ran out of water containers and the only store in our small town that refills them was closed due to the holidays.
The kids don’t mind drinking tap water (ironically enough, it’s safer for them if the containers for the water cooler do indeed have BPA in them) but there was no way I was going to do it. I also, of course, had just received my new Keurig Brewer and there was no way I was going ot use our awful hard tap water in it.
I then remembered that I had the Mavea Pitcher set aside and opened up the box to check it out. Features of the Mavea Pitcher that I noticed immediately were of course how slim it is – it’s meant to fit in the refrigerator door which is great. The last time I used a filtration pitcher, it was big and round and took up a lot of space. The shape and design is very modern.
Adding to the modern look of this pitcher is the Mavea meter in the lid, which actually keeps track of how much use the filter has left so there’s no question on when it should be changed. That’s been one of my annoyances with other pitchers I’ve tried – I never kept track of how long the filter had been in use and only changed it when the water started tasting funny.
So, the first time I used the Mavea Water Filtration Pitcher, I was hesitant because our tap water is so hard. I wasn’t disappointed though, the water in the pitcher tasted great and I trusted the filtration system enough to use the water in my precious Keurig brewer (and my coffee was great, thank goodness or I’d be a pretty cranky mommy!)
Since we have a water cooler, I didn’t know how much I’d use a water pitcher in the fridge but knowing that this one is BPA free, it’s easy to keep this one filled with water in the fridge for the kids (we always put them before us, right?) I find myself still going to the water cooler to grab a quick drink, but maybe once I start reaching for the Mavea pitcher more, we will eliminate the possible-BPA filled bottles and the water cooler completely. The Mavea Water Filtration Pitcher will be great to use in the summer months on the patio, though. It will save me from having to run inside for refills for the kids!1 of my readers is going to win a Mavea Elmaris Water Filtration Pitcher (ARV $31.99). To enter, just leave me a comment here telling me why you would like to win.
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