Giveaways and Reviews

RCA Small Wonder Digital Camcorder

I see small digital camcorders everywhere now – sporting events, definitely on tv, and in magazines featuring celebs holding them at their own family events. There’s several brands out there to choose from, the most attractive feature being the relatively low prices of these products. We have a 8mm video camera that we purchased shortly after our son was born 5 years ago. I think I may have taken some video with it when my now 2-year-old daughter was an infant but I can’t be sure. More times than not, it was just easier to grab my digital camera instead of finding my bulky video camera (that was always put away in a closet somewhere). Still, my digital camera itself was bulky to take everywhere with us and it’s purpose wasn’t video so there were not many features to pick from beyond hitting the record button and hoping for the best.

Just in time for Christmas concerts and holiday fun with the kids, we were sent the RCA Small Wonder EZ409HD Digital Camcorder to use to capture these fun moments.

Record in stunning 1080p high definition with the EZ409HD. This Small Wonder couples the highest recording quality to date from RCA with a slim design, HDMI connection, 2GB of memory, and 12 megapixel still photos. Small and portable, the EZ409HD allows for high quality recording at a moments notice. And with a TV outputs and a 2″ display viewing your high definition videos has never been easier.

Upon opening the box, I had everything I needed, however it’s recommended to charge the battery at least 3 hours before using. The back of the camera has easy to read buttons and it was so simple to figure out how to work it – literally point and push record. You have the option of recording in HD (best quality), Sport, or Web Quality (particularly useful if you are recording videos of the kids to send to relatives, etc.). Web Quality offers the longest recording time (40 hours).

I recorded a few videos in HD format and then it came time to upload. This was also very easy – I simply connected the Small Wonder to my computer and followed the prompts to install the necessary software. I had to update a program but other than that it was quick.

The videos I recorded were in very dim lighting (beside the Christmas tree) and the quality wasn’t what I had hoped for. I found them to be quite grainy. However, when I did a test video in my brightly lit kitchen, the quality was great! I wondered if perhaps I was doing something wrong (I recorded in HD so it should have been the best quality, but perhaps I had missed a step somewhere). I read a few other reviews online where customers commented on the grainy look of videos ta
ken in dim lighting (so it wasn’t just me).

While this may concern some people, I realized that I would have the same result with my digital camera taking photos in the same lighting, so it’s to be expected. Moreover, the EZ409HD and other Small Wonder cameras are meant to be taken on the go so there’s plenty of opportunity to take video in more digital-camcorder-friendly conditions. The camera is so small that it can easily fit in my husband’s shirt pocket, though it does take some getting used to (I was scared I’d break it the first few times I used it). However, it’s great for keeping on a ledge or kitchen counter and so easy to reach for when the kids are doing something cute. There have so many missed opportunities for video with the kids because my 8mm video camera is sitting in a closet somewhere.Reasonably priced at $122.99 on (search other sites to compare prices of course), the RCA Small Wonder EZ409HD would make a great Christmas present to a family member living near or far. With ease of access for uploading to You Tube or email, it will be a cinch for family to share video when they can’t be nearby. I cringe thinking about how much my 8mm camera cost, and we can’t upload anything from it!
1 very lucky reader can ring in the new year with a RCA Small Wonder EZ409HD Digital Camcorder in hand by winning it here! To enter, just go to the RCA Small Wonder site and leave me a comment here telling me something you learned.

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