Giveaways and Reviews

Mommy’s Defence

I’m ready for you, cold and flu viruses. I’m a self-professed germo-phobe and as diligent as I am in protecting myself and the kids against germs and viruses, I can’t be there when my son goes to school and inevitably he brings home some illnesses through the year. Ok it’s not just him, I blame my husband too. Whatever the case may be, I do my best to keep us healthy but once in awhile a germ slips past me and we end up sick. From that point on it’s all about defence and taking care of my family as best I can.

Vicks ComfortFlex Insight thermometer’s may catch your eye on store shelves – the bright packaging highlights how not only the temperature display is quite big but the backlight actually is color coded to give you a quick indication of how severe a fever is. I think these are all great features. At 3 a.m. when taking my 5 year old’s temperature, I can barely focus as it is so having a nice big display and a quick color coded back light helps my foggy brain. I don’t need to think, “Ok, which temp should I be concerned about, after which point…” because the answer is right there – ok, mild, or high.

The Vick’s ComfortFlex Insight thermometer is ok for my 5 year old but there is no way my 2 year old would allow me to use it with her. For her, we use an ear thermometer. I had a different brand before trying out the Braun ThermoScan and definitely like the Braun better. Did you know that the cold tip of most ear thermometers can actually throw off the accuracy of the temperature reading? I didn’t! The Braun ThermoScan features a pre-warmed tip to avoid this. Other cool features include a memory function so you can keep track of a fever (again, remembering the temperature two hours ago, in the middle of the night, isn’t easy!) and a guidance system which helps ensure you have the thermometer placed correctly (not entirely necessary because I find this one so much easier to handle and use than my other one anyway).

I was really excited to check out the new Pediatric GermFree Cool Mist Humidifier from Vicks. Humidifiers have been a sore spot with me since I had my son 5 years ago. I grew up with a warm-mist humidifier and never managed to burn myself but now ‘they’ (who are they really?) recommend using a cool mist humidifier to prevent burns, promising that the same result can be obtained. So off I went to buy our first cool mist humidifier only to learn that they are breeding grounds for bacteria (presuming that the warm mist kills such bacteria). I wanted to pull my hair out!Enter in the Vicks Pediatric Germ Free Cool Mist Humidifier (yes, germ free!) This humidifier features a patented germ killing UV light chamber – brilliant! It kills up to 99% of bacteria, mold, and fungi. Now I can avoid the risk of burns and use a cool must humidifier while also ensuring the air isn’t filling with bacteria and germs as a result, hooray! This is what I’ve been waiting for, and I doubt I am alone. Look for the Vicks Pediatric Germ Free Cool Mist Humidifier (SRP $69.99) at your favorite department store or pharmacy.When I was thinking about gift-giving and this topic, I have to say that if my mom (a grandparent) gave a Vicks Pediatric Germ Free Cool Mist Humidifier to our family for Christmas we’d be thrilled. It’s one of those items you’d probably love to have but never get around to going out to buy until you need it (or, like me, read about the germs and bacteria your other humidifier is putting into the air and freak out!) So, grandparents out there, here is the useful and healthy gift you can give this holiday season.
I have a great prize pack from Vicks to share with my readers featuring even more great products from this company:1 Vicks SpeedRead Instant Thermometer and 1 Vicks Advanced Soothing Vapors Mini-Waterless Vaporizer will go to one winner. To enter, leave me a comment here simply telling me your thoughts on these products. Examples – are you as annoyed as me at having to clean the germies from other cool mist humidifiers? Do you prefer one style of thermometer over the other?

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on December 20th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.


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