Giveaways and Reviews

Mad Men Season 2

Season 1 of Mad Men was met with huge critical acclaim – it was THE show to watch. The first season’s finale did not disappoint with more than one question being left to answer in Season 2.

Like some other shows, Mad Men surprised its viewers by leaping forward almost 2 years at the beginning of Season 2. A lot has changed in two years and the question is, can Sterling-Cooper keep up? Ok ok, we know the answer to this but it’s still fun to watch.

Special Features include:

  • Mad Men Commentaries” feature-length audio commentaries on all episodes
  • “Birth of Independent Woman,” video featurette examining the rise of female independence in the 1960s, from housewives to working women
  • “An Era of Style,” video taking a close look into the fashion of the 1960s and its influence on designers today
  • “Time Capsule,” video featurettes and picture text galleries examining historical events mentioned in the second season

Of course fans of Mad Men would love to have this DVD set in their collection, but if you are a fan yourself I’d recommend gifting it to someone this season who has not watched the show (of course that would mean purchasing Season 1 as well). I started watching late in Season 1 only after I heard all the hype.
1 reader is going to win Mad Men Season 2 on DVD! To enter, just leave me a comment simply telling me why you’d like to win!

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on December 19th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.


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