Giveaways and Reviews

Good Earth Fairy

Fairies and princesses are a big deal for little girls, especially this Christmas with the release of the new Tink movie. If you are looking for a fairy this Christmas that also conforms to your family’s goal to be more eco-friendly, Good Earth Fairy from MiYum is perfect. Made from cotton that is untreated, unbleached and unprocessed, the dyes used on this doll are eco-friendly too (mineral and soy). She comes in a recycled cardboard box, perfect for reusing for another gift.

My 2 year old calls this fairy a princess for some reason – doesn’t matter to me what she calls her because she loves her. All products from MiYum aim to teach environmental responsibility through their toys. If your aim is to give a little one a great present this year, but one that can go one step further with its eco-concious message, consider MiYum products. US store locations where MiYum products can be found is here.
1 reader is going to win a Good Earth Fairy from MiYum. To enter, just go to MiYum and take a look at their other great products, then leave me a comment here sharing which one was your favorite.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on December 15th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.


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