
Dancing With the Stars: Dance Off The Pounds

Are you a fan of Dancing With The Stars? I watch a little each season, mainly to keep up with my favorite D-List celebrity that is on that season (you have to pick one!) Many of the celebs that have been on say what a good workout dancing is, and how they are all losing weight and becoming more trim as the competition goes on.

I would be slimming down too if I had that kind of daily workout region (and a hot dance partner to inspire me, heh.) Dancing With The Stars is onto this, and have released a new workout DVD for busting a move (and hopefully not any furniture) at home. Dancing With The Stars: Dance Off The Pounds features three of my favorite professional dancers: Dmitry (loved him on So You Think You Can Dance in 2006), Lacey (loved her in So You Think You Can Dance 2007) and Kym.

You can learn the Swing, Jive and Quickstep (each 15 minutes) and the workout finishes off with a 5 minute cooldown. I’m a total clutz when it comes to learning dance moves and choreographed workout routines so I call this DVD a disaster in a box (ha!) but viewing it for the first time (puhlease, I wasn’t going to endanger my kids the first time through, I needed to watch to see what was involved first) it didn’t seem as complicated as I thought. The DVD workout is created on the presumption that the viewer has no dance training so the dancers explain the steps slowly. I’d still get mixed up and flustered I’m sure, but wow if I could get it down I might actually break a sweat and have fun doing it. Ask me in the new year, for now I’m enjoying the holiday goodies!Dancing With The Stars: Dance Off The Pounds would be a great gift for fans of the show who don’t have the opportunity to get out to the gym (that would be most mommies). If you’d like to learn a few new dance steps and get a workout at the same time, this is a fun DVD to check out.
1 reader is going to win Dancing With The Stars: Dance Off The Pounds. To enter, leave me a comment here telling me your favorite holiday food splurge, before we have to worry about working off the holiday calories in the new year!

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