Bean Pod believes all babies are beans in our pods – how cute! The company promotes the benefits of carrying babies in a sling, which are numerous. Sling carriers are the most natural way to carry a baby, because they position baby in much the same way he was in utero (minus the upside down part!) Baby is positioned without pressure on his spine or pelvis which is particularly important in the first 3 months.
Bean Pod slings have a few features that make them different from most others. They are padded on the shoulder which really helps to with comfort and to reduce strain on the back. They are a ‘ring-style’ sling, so they can be adjusted accordingly and there’s no need to guess which size you would be (which can be a problem with non-ring style slings).
Another benefit of using an adjustable sling is that both mom and dad, or another caretaker, can share the sling (I think a man carrying a baby in a sling is adorable).As your baby grows (and gets heavier) having an adjustable sling can be helpful because you can tighten it if need be to secure your child closer to you. It’s great seeing pictures like this one of a toddler happy in a sling and secure against mom’s body.
I know a ring-style adjustable sling can be confusing to use at first, and Bean Pod understands this. They have made one side of the sling a solid color so that when adjusting it’s easy to see which piece of material you need to pull to adjust.
Bean Pod slings are available in 8 patterns and are machine washable (100% cotton). These are also wonderful for passing down to a friend or family member once your little one has outgrown it (the max weight recommended for these slings is 22 pounds) which is something that’s not as easy with a specific size sling.Bean Pod slings are a great gift for new parents, plural because both mom and dad can share in wearing the sling and bonding with baby. Based in Hong Kong, shipping is free worldwide!
1 reader is going to win a Bean Pod sling in the design of their choice. This is a giveaway open to WORLDWIDE entries! To enter, just go to Bean Pod and tell me which design you would pick if you won.
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on December 19th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Worldwide entries.
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