
Baby It’s Cold Outside!

Ahhh the Canadian prairies. We got screwed out of our summer this year (temperatures 10-15 C below normal) and our first cold snap hit us, before the official start of winter. Ugh. The picture to the left is my son on his way to school last week.

Thankfully, today is the first day that the cold snap and extreme windchill warnings have lifted. After a full week of -40 C temps, today it will feel like Spring being -12!

My Holiday 2009 Gift Guide is officially over though I’ll be picking winners from it until the end of the month and of course as you can see there’s so many giveaways to enter. Companies have been so generous this year and I am so thankful.

I was flooded with requests, and have so much more to share with you leading up to Christmas!

So, in terms of reviews and giveaways, nothing is really changing except each feature won’t list it as a “Great Gift For” but we’ll be talking about gift-giving potential right up to Christmas of course. I think I will keep the winner’s information off the home page like I did for the gift guide with a link back to an old date with new winner’s listed to that old post. I’ll keep a link on the home page so readers can easily take a peek.

I hope you have most of your shopping done (I think I do?) but if you’re still looking, fear not because I’ll have more gift-giving ideas in the coming days. Actually, I should post a FABULOUS giveaway right now….and then a few more later today! Ho, ho, ho!

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