Giveaways and Reviews

Stortz & Associates – Sprig EcoTruck

Stortz & Associates is Canada’s leading importer and distributor of Eco-Friendly toys as well as many other popular fun toys that are featured by media outlets everywhere. If a store, either online or building, is looking for many of the most popular Eco-Friendly toys this holiday season, Stortz & Associates is who they turn to in Canada.

One very popular brand that Stortz & Associates distributes is Sprig Toys! We were sent the popular Sprig EcoTruck Dump Truck to check out. Made with Sprigwood…wait what’s Sprigwood? I had to look this up because it sounded interesting (and it is!) Sprigwood is actually a material that’s made from bits of reclaimed wood and recycled plastics!

The result is a durable, child-safe building material that also doesn’t have any paint on it at all (dye is added to the Sprigwood during the production process).

The EcoTruck Dump Truck takes a classic toy and makes it green! Both my kids love using toy trucks for hauling dirt and everything else they find from place to place in the backyard. I cringe when my toddler falls against the large metal truck we have because I’m scared of her getting cut.

The EcoTruck Dump Truck from Sprig has really nicely rounded edges – no sharp sides here. My toddler is able to handle this truck with ease; that is, when her brother isn’t arguing why HE should be using it at that particular time.

Canadians can find Sprig EcoTrucks at most Home Hardware locations across the country. For other locations in Canada, check out the Where to Buy link on the site (where you can also search by province too!)Sprig EcoTruck Dump Truck is an awesome toy for toddlers and preschoolers to use in the house and in the yard. Parents can feel good knowing they are buying a product that is made from recycled materials and is safe for their children to play with (as odd as that sounds…remember when we didn’t have to worry about the materials and paints used in toys?)
1 Canadian reader is going to win a Sprig EcoTruck Dump Truck from Stortz & Associates. To enter take a look at the locations in your province that sell items distributed by Stortz & Associates and tell me which one is closest to you!

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on November 26th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian addresses only.


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