The CMYK acronym from CMYKIDZ is made up of the letters from Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and BlacK inks used in printing. The combination of these colors results in thousands and thousands of colors (cool huh?) It’s no surprise then, that the products from CMYKIDZ are packed full of vibrant colors and images.
CMYKIDZ Pillowcases are a hit in our household! Who needs a seek and find book when you can have a pillowcase with you every night to keep you occupied until your eyelids get heavy. I love this creative idea! My 5 year old of course is deep in thought searching for each of the items, and my 2 year old of course just loved the vibrant colors. With so much to look at, I can’t see them being bored with it anytime soon. The CMYKIDZ Pillowcases each come with a booklet filled with fun and educational games too!
CMYKIDZ Pillowcases are awesome stocking stuffers for little ones this holiday season. A nice compliment to the family tradition many families have of giving pajamas on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
1 Canadian reader is going to win a CMYKIDZ Pillow Case courtesty of Stortz & Associates Inc. To enter, just tell me where you can buy Storz & Associates products in your province.
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on December 5th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian addresses only.
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