When I first saw the BumZee Blanket, I thought it looked a little weird. When I looked into it further, and then saw more photos of it in use I realized it’s genius. The BumZee Blanket is basically a blanket with legs sewn into it for babies aged 0-18 months. Why sewn in legs?
Think about how annoying it is to use blankets with a baby in a stroller – the blanket is forever slipping out, getting run over, dragging on the ground and in puddles and not doing what it’s supposed to which is keeping your little one warm and toasty.
Using the BumZee Blanket keeps your little one comfortable wrapped completely in warm cozy microfiber. Your little one’s legs are covered (which is a huge bonus) and because they are sitting on the blanket, there’s no way it’s going to become loose. Take the ample extra fabric and wrap it around your child, all tucked in nice and snug!
The creator of the BumZee Blanket (sahm of two Adele Lepine from Drumheller, Alberta, Canada) really thought of everything – the blanket also has loops sewn into it so you can easily attach toys as well!The BumZee Blanket is the perfect gift for really any mom – I may not take walks in -20 weather in the winter, but I do use the stroller when going to the mall and other activities through the fall and winter. Even in the summer months, the BumZee Blanket is great for evening strolls. Don’t forget that the BumZee can also be very useful in carseats too.
1 reader is going to win a BumZee Blanket in either Azure Blue or Linnea Pink (ARV $55.00 CDN)! To enter, simply tell me how you think you (or the person you are entering for) would make use of this product!
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