Tee Wit is the home of MyGrandparentsRock.com, a collection of clothing and gifts honoring grandparents. What makes this online store different is that Tee Wit pays homage to the fact that not every child has a Grandma and Grandpa. My children also have a Baba and Gido! I was happy to see all the Baba themed items I could pick for my own kids or as gifts for my mom. I know other families with Abuelas, Mimis and Papas will be thrilled as well. After all, the world isn’t just full of grandmas and grandpas despite what most stores will present.
Once you select your particular term/name, a ton of options open up! When I was looking for ideas for Baba items, I had a hard time narrowing down my choices. I was fortunate to be able to review 3 items including two t-shirts for my kids and a coffee mug.
My mom loved her mug and proudly took it to work with her the next day. My son has a shirt (size 6) that says “I didn’t do it, nobody saw me do it, I want to speak to my Baba” (classic, right?) in black. The shirt washes well and is still a little big on him so the sizing is great.The most adorable item we received is the shirt for my daughter which reads “got baba?” in the same text as the classic milk campaign “got milk?” People familiar with the campaign recognize the connection immediately which is what makes it funny. My mom (the Baba!)…not so much. Ah well, she still thought it was cute even if she and my dad didn’t quite get the humor in it!
If, like in my case, the grandparents aren’t too keen on wearing #1 Grandma shirts, this is a great way to show them how special they are – having the grandkids be walking proclamations of a grandparents awesomeness is pretty flattering!
1 reader is going to win a $50 gift certificate from MyGrandparentsRock.com at Tee Wit. Use it to outfit your kids or the grandparents! To enter, just leave a comment here telling me what you liked the best at MyGrandparentsRock.com!
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