

ERGObaby’s newest product release isn’t an entirely new carrier at all, but rather an infant insert enabling parents to make their ERGObaby carrier even more useful. How? The Heart 2 Heart Infant Insert is a specially padded and shaped cushion that can be slipped into the carrier to help support a newborn’s hip, pelvis, and leg positioning while in the carrier.

I think that with any carrier, it’s important to get a baby used to it as early as possible. In my own experience, if you wait too long it’s that much harder to get a baby used to something new and being in a new position (I remember breaking out in a sweat trying to get my daughter into a carrier the first few times!) The Heart 2 Heart enables parents to get their newborn used to the ERGObaby carrier much earlier, so that the carrier can be enjoyed for years (yes years, the ERGO carrier is recommended for children up to 40 lbs but has been tested for up to 90 lbs).

A dear friend of mine just had a beautiful daughter in July (which makes 3 princesses for this family!) and I knew she would be the perfect product tester for the new Heart 2 Heart Infant Insert since she had an ERGObaby carrier but wasn’t intending on using it this early – now she can. She reports that her 8 week old did not like the carrier the first few times she put her in it, but that as of her last report, the baby was getting more used to it and didn’t cry.

Have you been there? I know I have, and it’s tempting to give up and admit defeat! Once baby is used to the carrier, it’s such a blessing to have something that you can wear and keep baby close, while allowing your hands to be free (especially for my friend with 2 other daughters to attend to, under 5!)

The new Heart 2 Heart Infant Insert from ERGObaby ranges in price on the site from $25 to $38 (organic). Check it out online or in your favorite baby boutique.

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