
A Rose By Any Other Name….

I have a few friends and family members who are due in the coming months, and of course the debate in our household still continues as to whether a third child is a possibility.

A few weeks ago we were out for a walk as a family and for some reason I started thinking about baby names – what would sound best with Elijah and Nevaeh? A few names came to mind, but then it became a mission to see if I could find some other names that might sound good – as if somehow picking a name would help solidify the decision to try for a third or stay happy with 2 (it didn’t.)

In my search I came across a site called MomsWhoThink.com with a great Baby Names section. In the baby girl names section I found a great girl’s name (I tick off my friends all the time because I refuse to share even my IDEAS for names!). I liked the sound of the name but also the meaning behind it, which is listed on the site as wel. In the baby boy names section, I still have not found the perfect name but it’s always been harder for me to think of boy’s names. I’m still looking!

The site, of course, has other great info as well including some yummy pumpkin recipes I came across. Take a peek at MomsWhoThink.com when you get a chance!

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