
2009 Holiday Gift Guide

On November 24th, 2008 I launched the Feisty Frugal & Fabulous Kick-Off To Christmas event on my blog, with daily giveaways all the way up to Christmas. Little did I know that after a short break at New Years, I would continue on for an entire year with daily reviews and giveaways! Sometimes I am truly shocked at the amazing past year I have had with ‘the blog’ as my friends and family call it, and other times it feels like I’ve been doing this forever.

The holidays are coming, and this year the 2nd annual Christmas Event is simply called the “Feisty Frugal & Fabulous 2009 Holiday Gift Guide”. Running November 1st – 30th, the Gift Guide will cover fabulous gifts from some of my favorite companies I’ve worked with in the past year, as well as some new companies I’ve never reviewed before. Every single day readers can stop by and read great reviews and of course enter great giveaways! I’ll cover the details of the item and specifically who the gift would be best suited for.

I’m really excited about the great gifts I get to feature and the awesome giveaways lined up for YOU! Please help spread the word about this event by posting the Feisty Frugal & Fabulous Holiday Gift Guide on your blog (link to grab the button is on the right hand sidebar), or even save the button as a .jpg and post it on your Facebook wall with a link! Anything to get the word out there helps.

With all the giveaways from November 1 – 30, you will get 1 extra entry by having the Gift Guide button on your blog (maybe even a few giveaways at the end of October will offer that as an extra entry, keep your eyes open for it!)

Thanks for stopping by, entering the giveaways, leaving comments and your awesome emails! I wish you all a safe and blessed holiday season – and if you happen to win something for yourself or someone you love, that makes it all the more special!

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