Giveaways and Reviews

The Safe Sporter (closed)

The Safe Sporter is the newest product from Kid Basix and we were fortunate to have one sent to us for review! Having tried other KidBasix products like the Safe Sippy and Safe Sippy 2, I knew what to expect from Kid Basix – a quality product with attractive colors, great design, easy to clean, and of course safe (BPA free) for my kids.

Up until now, my toddler has been the only one who used Kid Basix products but now, my son gets to use them as well as the Safe Sporter is his alone.

Features of the Safe Sporter include a mud cap (love that name, perfect for my boy) to keep the spout clean, the spout of course which is great for older kids, and the wide mouth/opening at the top which makes it super easy to clean. For my not-so-graceful 5 year old, the grippy coaster at the bottom is fantastic to help him not knock it clear off the table. The Safe Sporter is available in 12oz and 16 oz. The 12 oz Safe Sporter goes to school with my son in the side pocket of his backpack daily now; we love it!

1 US reader is going to win a Safe Sporter from Kid Basix! To enter, just leave me a comment here telling me who you’d like to win for.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This give
away will end on September 20th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to US addresses only.

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