Giveaways and Reviews

Karito Kids (closed)

Having a daughter now, I’m thrust into a debate I knew existed but hoped I wouldn’t have to get too deep into – dolls. Clothing, body type, the images they present…why weren’t our mothers debating this too? I’ve made my decision about what will be appropriate in our household, just as every parent will do. If you are seeking out dolls with a positive message and image, consider Karito Kids. Karito Kids are 6 dolls representing 6 cultures around the world: Gia from Italy, Ling from China, Lulu from Kenya, Piper from Australia, Pita from Mexico and Zoe from the US. Each doll comes with a fashionable outfit and hard cover book (suitable reading for a child between the ages of 8-11 I’d say).

We were sent Gia from Italy! From the website: Gia is an 11-year old fashion diva helping her parents operate their pensione (family inn) in Florence, Italy. She dreams of becoming the world’s most famous fashion designer. These 21” poseable dolls are hand-strung and constructed from vinyl with no phthalates added. To properly model their fashions, the dolls are constructed with a 1/3-vinyl breastplate. To ensure the much-desired “cuddle” factor, 2/3 of the torso is soft 100% cotton and polyester fill. The hair is wigged and can be washed and styled.

My daughter has a thing for hair right now – she loves running her fingers through it and brushing it against her face – it was nice to have Gia to occupy my daughter for quite some time the first day we got her! I like this picture because it gives you an idea of how big these dolls really are.

Now, after checking out the beautiful new doll the next step was opening up Gia’s passport to retrieve a special activation code. This is where some great learning opportunities exist for older children (my 5 year old son helped out with this part). 3% of the retail price of each product is set aside for donations through a children’s charity called Plan. By using the special activation code online, you and your child can choose which cause you would like to support (4 to choose from). Further, you can also earn points called World Change through playing games and exploring the other cultures on the site. Once you have enough points, you can vote to put them towards a product you’d most like to help. Pretty cool how a great looking doll for your kids can actually literally open up a world of giving to them.

Intrigued? Karito Kids can be purchased directly from the website for $99.99, along with accessories like books and clothing. 1 of my readers is going to win their very own Karito Kid doll!

To enter, just go to Karito Kids and tell me which Karito Kid doll you would pick if you won!

For additional entries:
~ Find a store near you that sells Karito Kids dolls and comment here
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~ Join the Karito Kids group on Facebook

Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on September 23rd at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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