
Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD

Even if you don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy, I know you’re aware of the absolute lust with which fans of the show wait for the next episode to air during the fall and winter months. When you are not a fan of a show, it’s hard to understand the ‘craze’, and I get that. I am a part of the craze myself, and am a huge fan of the show so when I was able to get my hands on Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD even before the release date, to review, I was giddy.

What makes this show so great? It’s really a combination of all the elements – spectacular writing, a great cast with tons of chemistry, oh and the music. Who can say that the music of Grey’s Anatomy isn’t integral to the most amazing scenes over the past few years?

In Season 5, we see Derek and Meredith’s relationship grow and they begin talking about marriage. Christina gets involved in a heartbreaking and tense relationship with a new doctor at Seattle Grace, and Lexie and Mark actually become a cute couple (Seriously? Seriously.) The real story this season though revolves around Izzy and her discovery that she has cancer (her hallucinations of her dead ex-fiance Denny confused viewers for weeks on end, and forums were buzzing with theories).

The Season 5 finale, like all season finales from Grey’s thus far, left viewers aghast wondering what the next season would bring. I, for one, was bawling during the last 5 minutes of this season watching it this Spring, and catching it again on DVD had the same response. Will Izzy and George survive? Is one of them passing to the other side, leaving their best friend behind to move forward without them?

The seven-disc DVD set includes every episode from season five plus one full disc of exclusive bonus features including bloopers, deleted scenes, cast interviews, and extended episodes.

Catch the Season 6 premiere of Grey’s Anatomy on September 24th. Until then, let’s lighten things up a bit – check out the Bloopers from this DVD collection!

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