Mama owned Go Natural Baby is an online store offering customers clothing, bedding, furniture, gift ware and even items for the furbabies in our lives. Their exclusive boutique clothing brand, Zah Organics™ is available in size 3 months all the way up to 5 years old. Their own factory is certified fair labor by SA 8000, and Go Natural Baby only works with companies who make products with Fair Trade values.
I was pleased to see that
Go Natural Baby offers Naturepedic mattresses and bedding, as its a company I am familiar with having worked with them in the past. Customers like trying new items but also like seeing familiar and trusted companies offered as well. Go Natural Baby also offers cribs and cradles on their site including this beautiful Wooden Baby Sleigh Cradle from greenEARTH (it comes pared up with a Naturepedic organic cradle mattress too). Zah Organics, the clothing line from Go Natural Baby, is 100% certified organic cotton and uses low impact dyes. Made in India in a certified fair labor factory, the clothing featured on the site is perfect for Fall weather.
We were sent two pieces from the Zah Organics collection – the Coco Pant and and Hawthorne T-Shirt in Pink Blossom. The picture on the website doesn’t accurately show the color of the pants – they are a coco brown color rather than the grey they appear to be. They are heavier than I expected too – perfect for Fall activities. The Hawthorne T-Shirt is a heavy cotton as well, and the wide neck opening (even in the larger sizes) makes it easy to slip on and off. I was impressed with the quality of the cotton, it’s quite heavy compared to most regular cottons and washes well.
1 reader is going to win an outfit just like the one we received to review – a Hawthorne T-Shirt in choice of color, and the Coco Pant. Sizes range from 3-6m to 4t. To enter, just visit Go Natural Baby and tell me what other item you discovered that interested you!
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on September 8th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses
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