Giveaways and Reviews

Go Diego Go! (closed)

New on DVD September 15th, Go Diego Go! Diego’s Arctic Adventure takes viewers on an icy rescue at the Arctic Wildlife Rescue Center. Diego and Baby Jaguar are visiting the center when they hear a cry from a Mommy Polar Bear. Her babies are stuck all alone on an island and it’s up to Diego and his sister Alicia to save them. Cousin Dora even makes an appearance when Diego and Alicia need some extra help.

We’ve been fans of Diego in our household since the show premiered in September 2005. I remember the first time we heard Click the Camera’s distinct voice and knowing immediately it was the adorable Rosie Perez. I recently told a friend this little tidbit and she was surprised!

The latest adventure from Go Diego Go doesn’t disappoint, with tons of interactive fun. We recently took a road trip and this dvd was played…er…several times.

1 reader is going to win Go Diego Go! Diego’s Arctic Rescue on DVD! To enter, just leave me a comment here simply telling me why you’d like to win.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This give
away will end on September 23rd at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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