
Gimme gimme….sometimes gets?

Gimmepleez.com throws all the things our parents and teachers chanted to us growing up back in their faces – metaphorically of course. What if, by simply asking for something, you could actually maybe obtain it? Pretty simple concept, don’t you think?

Founder of Gimmepleez.com Wayne Webber thought so, and created Gimmepleez.com – a site where anyone can sign up for an account, state a goal that they are saving towards and a blurb about why they want to achieve this goal, and send it on to friends and family….and even strangers, to help out. Something so basic can really unfold in a multitude of ways. For example, Gimmepleez.com would be a great site for family members to sign up and explain what they are saving for (I have absolutely zero idea what is considered cool in the eyes of my nieces and nephews) and when it comes time for birthday or Christmas gift giving, super-fabulous aunts like me could check out the profile and see what they have to say. It could be a light-hearted goal from my niece like “a new pair of ____ brand jeans” or a more serious goal like “books for my first semester of university”. With one click of the “donate” button, I can add to her savings.

Brides to be, students with Graduation looming, expecting parents…anyone can find a use for Gimmepleez.com as a way to share their money saving goals. Accounts are very easy to set up and I figure it can’t hurt to put your goals out there. Kind of like the whole concept of “The Secret” right? You can’t receive something if you are not going to ask for it in the first place. “Gimme gimme never gets” chanters can mull on that one for awhile.

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