Giveaways and Reviews

Care Bears Bear Buddies (closed)

Care Bears were my 80’s favorite – and not in the way you randomly pick something to love from the 80’s. I started collecting them again in 1999 after a friend of mine showed me her amazing My Little Pony collection and I was feeling nostalgic. Off to eBay I went and eventually I had a huge collection of the bears displayed on shelves in our spare room. Of course this was long before the Care Bears made a comeback in recent years – looking a little more round but still the same cuddly creatures I loved as a little girl.

Just released September 22nd, Care Bears Bear Buddies: Lessons From The Heart is a DVD collection that focuses on the Value of Friendship through 8 episodes. Approximate time is 88 minutes (which, if you do the math, means each episode is around 10 minutes which is the perfect length for keeping a young child’s focus).

True to their 80’s beginnings, the Care Bears teach children about sharing and caring in easy to understand ways they can relate to. It was nice watching this DVD with the kids and talking about it with my oldest as we watched. I didn’t have much of a choice on when we were going to open this DVD because my toddler was freaking out wanting the toy inside (which is squishy rather than hard like the 80’s figurines I had, by the way).

1 reader is going to win Care Bears Bear Buddies Lessons From The Heart on DVD! To enter, just leave me a comment telling me which Care Bear was your favorite as a kid.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This give
away will end on October 5th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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