Giveaways and Reviews

5-in-1 Tasty Baker (closed)

My sister, auntie extraordinaire, makes my son pancakes whenever we come to visit. And not just any pancakes – they usually are shaped in a big “E” for Elijah and it thrills him to no end to have these special pancakes. Good thing he’s 5 and easily amused because my sister has as much artistic ability as me and that’s where the pancake art ends (love ya Kim, xo!)

Lately, I have been a pretty fantastic pancake making mama thanks to the 5-in-1 Tasty Baker from Pop Art. Basically, it’s a small electric griddle with molds in the shape of things like a puppy or a train in it. You simply pour the batter into the mold, close the lid and have cute tiny pancakes in 1/3 the time.Banana bread is a favorite in this household and when I read on the box and enclosed info that other items like brownies, muffins, waffles, cakes and even eggs could be made using the 5-in-1 Tasty Baker I decided to try making banana bread in ours. Success! Banana bread shapes, by the way, are perfect for school lunches.

The unit itself is quite compact and can easily stay on the kitchen counter without looking cluttered. However, if you want to tuck it away in the box it comes in, it does not take up a great deal of space.

1 reader is going to win a 5-in-1 Tasty Baker from Pop Art Toaster! To enter, simply leave me a comment here telling me what other item caught your eye from Pop Art Toaster.

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away will end on September 18th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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