Giveaways and Reviews

Scribble On Everything (closed)

Scribble on Everything is a site FULL of great decor ideas for your home or business, and what I like about it is that the company doesn’t take itself too seriously. The site reflects the personality of the company owners – fun, laid back, knowledgeable, and oh did I mention fun?

I was able to check out some awesome Wall Decals from Scribble on Everything but unfortunately can’t put them up yet because our house is for sale (and no way am I leaving these awesome designs behind) so when we move into a new house I will post an update. However, one item that I did get to use was the MACBOOK Decals. I actually have a Dell (grumble…) but figured I would see if the decals could still fit. I had to cut the one I received a bit (easy enough to do) but I think it looks great – keeping with the pink and brown theme of course.

Check out the other laptop decals here! I also received this awesome Rocket to the Stars Wall Decals set for my son’s new room. He’s big into outer space so he’s going to be thrilled to have this on his walls! Right now this set is on sale for $20.40.My daughter’s room is going to feature this adorable Flower Patch Wall Decal set, on sale right now for $25.50.
Have a comic book fan in the house (waving to my sister in law here), check out the Cartoon-A-Teria area of the site for some fun graphics to literally bring some POW to your walls.

All products are shipped in a protective shipping tube, and come with complete instructions on how to apply so it’s a no brainer on how to do it. Canadians can feel confident ordering without worrying about insane shipping charges from the US. All my samples were shipped for just under $12.00 (and the tube was heavy with all my goodies inside!)

1 reader is going to have fun choosing what they are going to spend a $50 gift certificate on! To enter to be that lucky winner, go to Scribble on Everything and take a look around. Comment here telling me what you’d spend your $50 gift certificate on if you won!

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on August 4th at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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