Giveaways and Reviews

M.A.H. Creations (closed)

M.A.H. stands for Mothers At Home. M.A.H. Creations is a business where in all the products are made by mothers at home, with attention paid to detail and in some cases specific attention paid to personalizing an item just for your family. I love the concept of this company, moms helping other moms!

The amount of products on the site is truly extraordinary, something only possible when you have moms working together like this!

I was sent a beautiful personalized item to review – a monogrammed pillow case complete with a pink and brown polka dot ribbon similar to this one. My little boo uses a pillow now so having a personalized item with her name on it is great.

Because the item is embroidered just for you, customers can also choose the font style and thread color they prefer. Starting at just $16.99, this makes a great shower gift for a little one, or a birthday gift for a not so little one.

1 reader is going to win their own personalized polka dot pillow case from M.A.H. Creations! To enter, just go to M.A.H. Creations and take a look around at their huge assortment of items. Comment here telling me about 1 other item that you saw that you liked.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on July 20th at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winner, email the winner, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.


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