Laundry HE, powered by Wisk, is a one stop site to help consumers answer all their HE (high efficiency) laundry questions. It’s actually a pretty cool website with a Q&A area answering the most common questions about HE washers and detergents.
It was in this area that I learned that I could use HE detergent in a regular washing machine without a problem – HE detergents like Wisk HE are low sudsing which can really be a benefit in any machine when you think about it (low suds, to me, means less gunk left over).
I tried a bottle of Wisk 3x Concentrated Liquid Laundry Detergent, Multi-Action Original Clean (available in stores or at Drugstore.com in either US or Canadian currency). I have never tried Wisk detergent before and was happy with the results. Definitely low sudsing, this detergent smells great and does the job (I used it on our vacation laundry!)
3 readers are going to win a bottle of Wisk HE detergent! To enter, take a look at the Video Gallery on Laundry HE and leave me a comment telling me something you saw on one of the videos (name of a mommy blogger featured, something you learned, something discussed, anything) but be careful – no one likes a copycat so make sure your comment is unique (don’t copy the text of someone else’s answer word for word) and that you actually did your homework and checked out the videos or I’ll delete your entry completely (so there.)
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on July 21st at 10:00pm CT. I will use Random.org to choose the winner, email the winner, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.
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