Giveaways and Reviews

Chloraseptic Allergen Block (closed)

My family is a great candidate for reviewing Chloraseptic Allergen Block. My husband and son both have seasonal allergies (exact allergen not determined) and my husband has developed a lovely allergy to cat and dog dander.

The idea behind Chloraseptic Allergen Block is to block allergens before they even make it inside your body via nasal passages, instead of dealing with the allergen in your body after the fact with medications.
On a recent road trip, we had an opportunity to use both products. At a friend’s house, my husband used the Chloraseptic Allergen Block before we arrived, since they have a cat. The last time we visited, my husband’s eyes were red, watery, and he was sneezing. This time, we had a pleasant visit with little reaction. My husband said that his eyes were a little itchy but that his nose wasn’t anything near as stuffed or itchy as it had been on our last visit. Our second test of the product was actually using the Little Allergies Allergen Block on my 5 year old. He was reacting to something in the trees beyond the yard of the house we were staying at and was complaining about itchy, dry eyes and sneezing The Little Allergies Allergen Block worked to reduce his symptoms – had we been using it from the beginning of our visit it would have helped to keep the allergens out of his system completely.

Both products worked to help block allergens from entering the nasal passageways, but didn’t block them completely. Still, any help for allergens that is not a drug is something important to me so we’ll continue to use this product for the benefit it can bring.

1 reader is going to win 1 Chloraseptic Allergen Block and 1 Little Allergies Allergen Block to help their family enjoy their summer more! To enter, just leave me a comment telling me who you’d like to win this for.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on July 22nd at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winner, email the winner, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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