Giveaways and Reviews

Box4Blox (closed)

When I was a kid, I didn’t have Lego. I’d play with it at friend’s houses but my mom didn’t like the idea of picking up tiny square blocks, or sucking them up with the vacuum, and so I wasn’t allowed to have it. That could be part of the reason why my own son now has way too much Lego – I’m letting him go wild with his Lego fascination and trying not to grit my teeth when I step on a piece in his room at 3am or when I find yet another piece in a completely odd spot like my cupboards (courtesy of his little sister I’m sure).

We generally keep his Lego in one big plastic box but when it’s time to “create”, the whole thing gets dumped and then I feel like I’m panning for gold, spreading Lego everywhere looking for that one perfect piece. When I heard about BOX4BLOX ™ I was definitely interested to learn more.

Made in the USA, BOX4BLOX ™ is known Worldwide with over 75,000 purchases. The concept is simple. BOX4BLOX ™ consists of 4 trays that fit together to form a cube. Lego pieces are poured into the top layer of the cube and sifted down through the trays. Each tray’s openings are smaller than the previous one. The largest Lego blocks remain on the top while the smallest pieces make their way to the bottom. Each tray can then be removed – all the Legos are now sorted by size making building so much easier (and clean up is a breeze!)

1 reader is going to win their own BOX4BLOX ™! To enter, simply leave me a comment here telling me about a Lego-fanatic you know who could use this!

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on August 1st at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winner, email the winner, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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