Had I known about the products from Silikids, I might have considered glass bottles. Among the products available from Silikids are Silibottles, which are glass bottles with a colored silicone sleeve slipped on it. Brilliant! Not only does this sleeve make it easier to grip the glass bottle (for both weary mothers and eager babies), but it can also help prevent breakage should the bottle slip. Also, the silicone helps to keep heat in and not transfer it to your hands.
If you are already all set up with glass bottles, you can buy the sleeves on their own – Siliskins as they are called, are available in wide sizes as well.Silikids also makes silicone bibs. Tired of washing your stained bibs all the time? What if you could wipe clean your child’s bib and even put it in the dishwasher?! Yup…you can do that with Silibibs.
1 reader is going to win 1 Silibottle in Aqua and 1 Silibib in Lime! This is a great way to start your silicone/glass-bottle stock, or give a friend an awesome baby gift.
To enter, just go to Silikids and tell me which item you’d most like to try. If you feel chatty….If you already use glass bottles, have you used silicone sleeves like this before? If you don’t use plastic bottles, is your fear the same as mine was?
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on June 13th at 10:00pm CT. I will use Random.org to choose the winner, email the winner, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.
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