
On Vacay

I doubt you have noticed but I’m still on vacation this week! My family and I are enjoying our time out on Vancouver Island! Last weekend, our family out here had a birthday party for Elijah, who turned 5 earlier this month. For the longest time he was calling it his pretend birthday party but quickly realized having more than one party to celebrate was the real deal! Here is the awesome pirate cake my sister in law Angie made him, can you believe this talent?!

I scheduled contest end dates at stopping points in our travels, and I have been keeping up well! Tomorrow my Canada Day Event starts (more about that later!) We will be travelling on a Ferry and then through the BC mountains on Canada Day – what a great way to appreciate our beautiful country (and end the day with some hotel pool swimming time, woohoo!)

Finally, I have some great features coming up in July! Since November 2008 I have been doing daily review/giveaway posts, can you believe that? The July schedule is full, maybe in August I’ll slow down and post every second day? We’ll see when the time comes, bloga-holic that I am.

One company that I am anxiously awaiting a review item from is csn stores. The site carries more product than I’ve seen on any other site in a long time. The reps have been fabulous, and they ship to Canada so that is a huge plus with me! Literally, they carry everything on the site from kitchen items to futons! No, I’m not reviewing a futon but the item on its way it going to make my little princess so excited when she sees it! Stay tuned!

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