
Leave Me B (closed)

Leave Me B was originally created to help expecting women counter the annoying comments they get from ‘helpful’ friends and family who think they missed their calling as a comedian. If you’ve been pregnant, then you’ve been there!

My favorite maternity top from Leave Me B is the “You can touch mine if I can touch yours” tank for all those mommies who hated having their belly touched.

Leave Me B has now expanded to include shirts for moms, dads and kids. Single moms are also not forgotten and there are some great one-liner shirts in that category. They also have recently added smaller items like burp cloths and even bumper stickers to the site.

From the Moms area of the website, I found several favorites. There’s a shirt that says “Moms with boys go straight to heaven,” that makes me smile and think of two awesome friends who are the Queens of their household with all boys.

Another favorite of mine is the Domestic Diva tanks. I like the simplicity of the design that really says it all. Amy from Leave Me B sent me my favorite style to review.

The sizing of the tanks is good and one awesome feature of the tanks is how nice and long they are. You can wear this tank with low rise jeans or any pants for that matter and have no concern about the shirt being too short after one wash – with this long length it is simply impossible.

Leave Me B has a great giveaway for readers – 1 reader is going to win ANY shirt from the Leave Me B site! Short sleeve, long sleeve, tank – it’s entirely up to you!

To enter, just go to the Leave Me B site and pick your favorite shirt. Comment here telling me which one it is and you never know, you might just win it!

For additional entries:
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on June 13th at 10:00pm CT. I will use Random.org to choose the winners, email the winners, and post it here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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