Have you ever purchased jewelry online before? Me neither. I’ve seen several companies online that sell jewelry at a broad range of prices but always wondered about the quality. A picture looks great but then I’m left wondering – is the chain really any good? Is the pendant a nice heavy pendant or a light piece of metal that I could buy at a local tween accessories store?
Thanks to The Family Review Network and Joolwe, I was able to review a piece from the Joolwe line. I picked this beautiful Silver Butterfly Cubic Ziconia Necklace (though actually mine ended up being the black cubic zirconia) and was impressed the moment I held it in my hands. This is not a lightweight piece of jewelry, it feels as impressive as it looks.

In the small town I live in right now, there is only one small jewelry store and the selection (and prices) are poor. There’s more selection, and better prices, on the Joolwe site. Now that I know the quality is there too, I’ve bookmarked Joolwe. Check out their jewelry store here!
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