ERGObaby is serious about baby wearing – their company is dedicated to making baby wearing comfortable for both moms and dads (as much as I love the cozy look of slings, they don’t look daddy-friendly to me). The company is also very big on promoting not only baby wearing, but the whole concept of attachment parenting as well. What I like about ERGObaby though, is that even if you are not big into baby wearing or attachment parenting, they still have products that will work for your family (consider the rest a bonus option!)
I received the ERGObaby HandsFree System to review with my 16 month old. That’s right, my toddler! ERGObaby carriers can be used from infancy right through toddler hood, and this frugal mommy thinks that’s fantastic.
The HandsFree System features the carrier, backpack (that attaches to the carrier, not to baby, though it looks like it from the pictures!), and a front pouch. There really is no reason to have anything in your hands besides maybe a coffee when using this system; there’s a spot for everything.
I asked my husband to try the ERGObaby HandsFree System first, since I hope that on family outings he would be the one wearing it. The other carrier we have (that is looking too small for our daughter now) made my shoulders hurt and I didn’t want to be the one carrying her for that reason. After he tried it on with Nevaeh in the piggy back position, he commented on how comfortable it felt, and insisted I try it as well. See, that’s another great thing about ERGObaby – the carriers are completely and easily adjustable so they can be switched from mom to dad with ease (try doing that with your sling, would ya?)

If you have any sort of back problems, or sore shoulders as I do all the time, I know carrying a baby in a carrier can make you grit your teeth. When comparing carriers when a friend of mine who used an ERGObaby System, she always told me how comfortable hers was compared to the other brand I was using. I thought they were all the same, but now after having tried the ERGObaby carrier, I get it! It IS different and it IS comfortable. I just wish I had this carrier earlier but am thankful that now I do.
1 very lucky reader is going to be celebrating Mother’s Day in style this year, sporting her very own ERGObaby HandsFree System! ERGObaby has generously offered up 1 HandsFree system to one very lucky winner here! (ARV $150.00)
To enter, just go to ERGObaby and take a look at all the information available on the site. Comment here with which carrier is your favorite (color too please), AND your thoughts on babywearing (have you tried it, do you enjoy it, etc.) Discuss! =)
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on April 26th at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winner, email the winner, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.
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