Giveaways and Reviews

Pocket Purifier from Purely Products (closed)

The Pocket Purifier from Purely Products is a mommy dream come true for moms like me. I’m the mom who wishes I could keep her children in a bubble on the playground like a current diaper commercial. I’m the mom who always uses a shopping cart cover and turns green at the thought of bringing my preschooler into a public washroom. Am I overboard? No. I promise not to spray you down with disinfectant when you walk into my house…but if your child has a runny nose at our playdate I’ll be wiping down all the toys when you leave, thanks.

Concerned about chemicals in your household? Me too! The Pocket Purifier is a chemical free way to kill germs, using ultraviolet light. I saw a product like this recently on tv but thought for sure that it was something far too expensive for a regular mom like me to use. I was happy to learn that the Pocket Purifier from Purely Products is only $29.95!

So, when I had the opportunity to review this product was thrilled! The Pocket Purifier arrived at the perfect time too, just days before we were set to leave for a weekend stay in a hotel room (I know, I get shivers just thinking about the ick factor there). Before I used the Pocket Purifier for the first time, I wanted to understand how exactly it worked.

The 4 watt germicidal UV light actually deactivates the the DNA of bacteria, viruses, etc., and essentially destroys their ability to multiply. The Pocket Purifier is basically a germ zapper to me, “Take that germs!” (insert me waving my Pocket Purifier madly)

Using just 4 AA batteries, it was easy to use this product in our house immediately. The first items I attacked were my son’s handheld game system, then his computer keyboard. Why my preschooler’s stuff first? He’s 4. How many 4 year olds wash their hands every time they use the washroom even though they swear in a sing song voice that they did. I rest my case.

At the hotel, the first item I used the Pocket Purifier on was the tv remote. I saw a Dateline episode once that detailed what could possibly be on a hotel tv remote and have never been the same since (shudder).

I liked having this product with me and it was easy to take along since it’s about the size of my case for my sunglasses. It fits easily in my purse or diaper bag and really, no one needs to know what you’re doing since it doesn’t look like the super fantastic germ annihilator that it is.

Though this originally started as a review-only post, I knew that my readers would love the chance to try a Pocket Purifier for themselves and so when I asked the great people at Purely Products if they would be interested in a giveaway, they enthusiastically agreed! Yay!

So, 1 Feisty Frugal and Fabulous reader is going to win a Pocket Purifier! To enter, simply check out the Purely Products website and take a look around at all their other product lines. Comment back here telling me 1 other item that you found interesting.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on April 6th at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winner, email the winner, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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