Giveaways and Reviews

Peanut Shell (closed)

Oh I wanted to be a sling-mama with both my newborns. When I was pregnant with my first, I went to a baby-product show and saw a newborn sleeping in a sling at a booth, went home and ordered the sling. Seeing a newborn so peaceful in a sling made me want to be a sling-mama. He looked like he was still in the womb the way he was snuggled up! However, when my son was born I broke out in a sweat every time I tried to put him in it. He cried, I turned red with anxiety, and then I’d give up.

It turns out, after talking with my mommy friends who were sling-mamas, I had the wrong kind of sling. It was so puffy and large and it’s no wonder I was sweating putting him in it! So, that was a lesson learned – you need to do your research and not buy a sling just because you’re hormonal and a wee baby sleeping in one makes your heart melt. Asking around, a name that kept coming up was Peanut Shell. I noted that several baby stores in my area carried the brand, which tells me that it’s popular for a reason. Moms know, if an item isn’t going to perform we aren’t going to buy it and stores are simply not going to carry it. Then when I went to the Peanut Shell website, I could see even more so why the brand is so loved. The selection of fabrics and designs makes my heart pitter patter. Did I mention that my original baby sling was a teddy bear pattern. Uh huh, let’s not share that with anyone else ok?

Scared off from being a sling-mama with my second baby, I moved to an infant carrier instead. While I love my carrier, I still missed that adorable snuggly feeling that I see mamas exchanging with their babies in a sling. Checking out the Peanut Shell site recently, I read that babies can be carried in a Peanut Shell sling up until 36 lbs and wondered, could I carry my 16 month old toddler in a sling now? The good people at Peanut Shell assured me that I could, so I decided to give it a try.

I picked the Mojito design because the colors are great for matching with my wardrobe and I liked that it’s reversible and the other side is a solid chocolate brown. This makes it useful for both genders and for a future baby someday (no, not now). Pulling it out of the package, several things struck me being different than the bulky ugly sling I originally owned.

The shoulder area of the sling is actually slimmer than the rest, so there’s less bulk where you don’t need it and in the pouch area it’s lightly padded on the side which I think is fabulous for a snuggly little newborn. That was part of my anxiety as a new mom putting a newborn in a sling, what if he rolled out? The padding on the sides actually works well for a toddler as well, as there’s no concern about my daughter’s legs having tight fabric cutting into them as she sits comfortably on my hip.

It was actually funny seeing my daughter’s reaction in the sling. She’s used to being on my front forward-facing in my carrier and was pretty surprised to be on my hip with my hands free. She is a wiggly girl and this does make me a little paranoid. However, my experience is unique since Nevaeh wasn’t in a sling right from infancy. I think a child that is used to a sling right from birth would be absolutely comfortable in a sling all the way up to the 36 lb max. We are practicing using the sling at home and she thinks it’s a novelty item right now. I love how comfortable it is…and I’m finally a sling-mama if just a little late in the game.

If and when we have another baby, I am determined to be a sling-mama right from the beginning now that I have the perfect Peanut Shell sling to use. Pssst, the Mojito Baby Sling is now on sale for $48.00!

Peanut Shell has been so fun to work with, and in discussing all their great prints, they decided to offer my second choice favorite design as a giveaway item! How cool is that?This design is called A Walk In The Park, and it’s reversible as well. The other side is a deep brown circular pattern and I think this sling would be ideal for both genders too. Orange, deep brown, and pale yellow colors make up this beautiful sling. The winner will be able, of course, to choose their ideal size. I picked a size small according to the sizing chart on the site and it’s perfect (yay for being a size small in something!!)

If you’d like to win, simply go to Peanut Shell and take a look around at all their slings AND all the other items they sell including nursing covers, hospital gowns, and diaper clutches that match a few of the slings! Comment here with your favorite item on the site.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on April 5th at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winner, email the winner, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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