The home page of Punkbunks baby boutique states this is the place to find fabulous items for you and your baby. Being that I am pretty fabulous myself, I knew this must be looked into further (it’s a hard job, but someone’s gotta do it!)
Hollie (aka Mommiebunks), the creative mom-preneur behind Punkybunks, created her own line of produ
cts under the Punkybunks label as well! The Punkybunks collection features what every punk (yet posh) baby needs in their collection – punk inspired diaper bags that, though they do try and look tough, scream “I’m so adorably cute”! How can you not grin at a diaper bag adored with little skull and cross bones (a smiling one at that).
Hollie sent us the Demi Diaper Bag in green. These are a smaller version of the large diaper bags they carry, and I think they are the perfect size once a baby is over 6 months old. Large diaper bags do have their place, when you need to pack everything including the kitchen sink when venturing out with baby.
Once your baby no longer needs her 3 absolute favorite soothers, 4 bottles, and 2 jars of food for an afternoon out, a smaller size bag is needed. The Demi Diaper Bag is completely waterproof for easy wiping, and they have a cool feature – they are reversible too! So, if grandma’s lips purse at the sight of skulls on a diaper bag, you can switch it to basic black and keep everyone happy (I happen to know one or two grandmas who think skulls are pretty cool too).
Hollie surprised us and threw in 3 Skulls & Crossbones bows as well. The site states that they would be a hit for Halloween, but oddly enough that didn’t even occur to me. Skulls & Crossbones are popular right now so I would use them as an every day bow. You know these bows will demand attention when worn. No doubt a baby who wears these is a baby (ok a mommy) with attitude!
I love the size of these bows, they are an easy slip-in alligator clip style, but stayed in Nevaeh’s fine hair without a problem.
With so many great items on Punkybunks, especially her unique Punkybunks brand items, it would be hard to choose an item or two if you had to narrow it down. Let’s say, you had $50 to spend, hmmmm what would you get?
Ok, ok, you’re onto me aren’t you? Hollie from Punkybunks has graciously offered 1 Feisty Frugal and Fabulous reader a $50 gift certificate from her store! To enter, just go to Punkybunks and tell me what you would spend the $50 gift certificate on, show me your shopping list!
For additional entries:
~ Tell me what your favorite item is from the Punkybunks Collection
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~ Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on March 10th at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winner, email the winner, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.
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