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June is Potty Training Month #KandooKids

The sun is shining, the breeze is warm, what better time to run around bare-bottomed! The babies, I mean. Of course, I meant the babies…

Potty training is a work in progress in many households. With my own three kids, it was a struggle and I can admit I even shed some tears over the whole debacle that was potty training! Years later, I can look back on those tears and chuckle because in the big picture it probably wasn’t as huge a deal as I felt it was – but that’s like most things in parenting. Try and tell a parent dealing with a tiny pair of soiled Dora underwear that at the time, and you may have to duck when the underwear is thrown at you!

kandoo potty training wipesMany parents recommend waiting until the summer to aggressively potty train, while working up to that training period through the spring by preparing the child. Preparing your child could mean things as simple as purchasing the potty and underwear, talking about what a big girl or boy the child will be when they are potty trained, or even going to the store or looking in a catalog to choose a potty training success reward if that works for you. June is Potty Training Month, which means Kandoo is offering a ton of helpful tips on their site ( to help busy and frustrated parents through the process.

Here are some great tips from Kandoo Kids:

1. The Basics
Each child is different but the general age range to start potty training is 18-24 months. Start by making positive associations with the toilet early on, such as showing your child how you sit on the toilet to go “potty”.

2. Routine
Establish a routine with your child that encourages them to use the potty throughout the day.

3. Patience
Potty training takes time and every child is different, an abundance of patience is necessary…and a little laughter is helpful too.

kandoo hand soap4. Stay Positive
Even if nothing happens, help your child feel good about the process with positive reinforcements such as singing songs, clapping hands or give them stickers.

5. Washing your hands
Encourage healthy habits from the start by teaching your kids how to wash their hands.

Kandoo is a logical potty-training partner, since they offer products perfect for little kids (and little hands!) Kandoo Flushable Wipes clean up to 30% better than toilet paper alone, and they’re a decent size for little hands to use. Then, Kandoo Hand Soap in its colorful bottle and easy to use pump makes hand washing habits easy to establish because it’s fun to use!

Whatever time you choose to start, and whatever method you decide to try – all experts agree that as a parent you need to keep the potty training process fun and exciting for the child. I know it’s tough, oh mamas I have been there. But you will get through it, with your sanity in check, I promise.

Stay tuned for a Kandoo Kids giveaway coming up later this month!



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