Giveaways and Reviews

Making Our House a Home With Home Depot!

A huge move this summer has certainly been the big event this year.  In late June we watched as our entire house was packed up before our eyes and stored in a (very large) moving truck while we ventured 400km to our new home in Regina, SK.  I felt good about the move – even with all the stress of it all – knowing that we had purchased a beautiful home for our family at our next destination.  It is perfection.  A two-story house built a few years ago, but complete with landscaping!  I couldn’t wait to settle in and (literally) plant roots but first a few minor changes had to be made.

Those first few weeks moving into a new house, I sometimes feel like I’m living in someone else’s house.  Have you had that feeling?  Sure, all your furniture and belongings are there, but it doesn’t really feel like your own until you put your own touches into it.  Your colours, your photos, and maybe even a few little handprints on the wall to make it your own.

Our first step was switching out the carpet on the stairway and second floor.  With cream walls and beige carpet, the house was in need of some color and expression!  Check out my  before and after of the carpet to see how adding color was already making the home more warm and inviting:

before and after carpet in stairwayNext, my mission was the walls.  The entire house, every last square foot of it, was a bland creme color.  In fact, the realtor told us that the previous owners had just repainted the entire house to ensure it had a fresh coat.

Of cream.

Here’s what we had to work with below.  Behold, the BEFORE pictures!  I know the bland cream walls are kind of bright and you may fall asleep with the boring element of it all, but I promise you – this makeover gets better. WAY WAY BETTER!

home depot paint project before picture

home depot paint project before picture

home depot paint project before picture

home depot paint project before picture

home depot paint project before picture

home depot paint project before picture


home depot paint project before picture

One thing was certain, I had a (very) blank pallet and needed to change it.  With shades of grey (heh.) being very popular in home decor, I knew that was the color family that I wanted.  It was just a matter of figuring out which shades to use, so off to Home Depot we went!

photo 1(30)

So many colors to choose from!  We decided on CIL DUO because we know CIL quality and the DUO seemed like a great (and frugal!) choice with primer built-in!

Home Depot CIL

Just a little bit of paint to get us started!

home depot

Nothing passes the time while shopping like a little drum session!

You can see a sneak peak of the colors we picked in the photos above too!  For our feature walls, we picked a rich dark shade, CIL Obsidian Glass.For the main color in the majority of the household, we picked CIL Veil which is a pretty light to medium grey.  I found it looked really light when mixed in the store – so much so that it worried me it would be too light – but it was perfection on my walls!

CIL Duo Veil and Obsidian Glass

I can’t wait to share the AFTER pictures of this transformation!  I no longer feel like I’m living in someone else’s home.  No, this is now our home, with our colors and our personal touches throughout – finger prints on the walls included.  Stay tuned!

Disclosure: Home Depot Canada generously supplied the paint and supplies for this beautiful home makeover project.  My opinions, as always, are my own (but you already knew that!)


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