In the past few months I’ve had the opportunity to review a few different styles of jeans from Bootheel Trading Company by Sheryl Crow, and it’s been fun! Before trying out the jeans, I had not heard about this line at all and I’m sure many of my readers were the same. Lately, I have seen Sheryl Crow in the media more and I admit I felt a sort of kinship with this chick who defines cool. Seriously, she even sweats cool don’t you think?
First, I caught Sheryl Crow on Cougar Town recently (I read that she is good friends with Courtney Cox) and then I saw (and loved) her on The Marriage Ref (she was wearing a killer dress on the show, perfect for her killer legs, wow.) When I hear a Sheryl Crow song on the radio lately my ears perk up. What can I say, I have Sheryl on the brain.
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I’m giddy over having a Bootheel Trading Company by Sheryl Crow item that I picked autographed by Sheryl herself just for me. True, she has no idea who I am I’m sure but that doesn’t matter. My choice shirt, for me. I’m super cool now, and the other mommies at the playground know it. 😉
Now, the Baseball Tee itself holds it’s own because of the design (I was sent a size large and it fit snug but looks great with jeans, Bootheel Trading Company of course, heh.) This shirt is among several great designs from Bootheel Trading Company. While denim is the focus, Crow’s cool classic style is apparent in several other clothing items including vests and jackets.I just have to say though, that having the autograph on the shirt makes it all the more special. Not only do I have a Bootheel Trading Company Baseball Tee for one of my readers, the tee is going to be autographed by Sheryl Crow before shipping out to you!
To enter, just visit Bootheel Trading Company by Sheryl Crow and leave me a comment here telling me what other clothing item, aside from denim, caught your eye.
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~ Follow @FeistyFrugal on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day) WIN an autographed tee from Sheryl Crow, part of her clothing line – Bootheel Trading Company @FeistyFrugal
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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on April 20th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.
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