
TTC? Here Are Some Tips to Help

amily Planning_First Response OTKUnexplained Infertility. That was the diagnosis given to us when we were unable to conceive for two years after our wedding. Doctors were puzzled on why it wasn’t happening, and so, that’s what they came up with. It’s frustrating, heartbreaking, and stressful trying to conceive when it’s not happening as quickly as you had hoped.

Below, FIRST RESPONSE™ helps debunk some of the myths around conception, fertility and timing.

For all couples trying to conceive, there are some general guidelines to consider[1]:

· 30% get pregnant within the first cycle (about one month)
· 59% get pregnant within three cycles (about three months)
· 80% get pregnant within six cycles (about six months)
· 85% get pregnant within 12 cycles (about one year)
· 91% get pregnant within 36 cycles (about three years)
· 93-95% get pregnant within 48 cycles (about four years)

If looking to start (or grow) a family sooner, rather than later, here are some important steps to take to make getting pregnant as seamless as possible.

1) Start with a pre-pregnancy trip to a trusted doctor. A credible doctor will be able to discuss the most important topics when it comes to conceiving, like menstrual cycle timing and regularity, parents’ medical history, exercise, eating habits and more.

2) Lead a healthy and happy lifestyle. Simple changes like getting more sleep, and spending extra time with friends and family can do wonders for the body. Reducing stress is another important element as stress can cause irregular ovulation and can disrupt a woman’s menstrual cycle—affecting overall fertility[2].

3) Understand your peak fertile days. If a woman knows her most fertile days, it can help speed up the pregnancy and planning process. The FIRST RESPONSE™ Digital Ovulation Predictor Test is over 99% accurate for detecting a woman’s personal luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, giving an easy and accurate way to determine the two days a month when each woman is most likely to ovulate[3]. If intercourse happens within the 24-36 hour window, this will maximize her chances of getting pregnant.

By helping to determine a woman’s unique peak fertility days, and understanding her body, FIRST RESPONSE™ can help speed up the pregnancy process.


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  • We too struggled with TTGP. I turned to this kit after 2 years of waiting as well. My doctor wasn’t providing any reasonable explanation so a trusted doctor is key. I studied my body and peak times and used First Response to help achieve our goal. Almost 3 years to the date of trying little man was conceived. I’m happy to report that he is here and healthy and beautiful and we couldn’t be happier. I wish I would have fought harder for answers, I wish I hadn’t have let so much time pass for it to happen but I’m certainly grateful and blessed everyday of my life that it did!