Gift Guide Giveaways and Reviews Stocking Stuffers

Holidays With Hallmark

Hallmark mini snowmen giveawayWe all know Hallmark is a go-to destination for all holidays and of course Christmas is the biggest one they love to celebrate!  I have always loved going to Hallmark to see what’s new for gift-giving and decorating.  Their ornaments are always popular in our household, I can’t resist buying at least one new one for our tree every year.

One of Hallmark’s partners UNICEF as they have added some very special gifts this Holiday Season to their year-round Survival Gifts collection.  A UNICEF Survival Gift is a life-saving and life-changing item essential to child survival and development for the most vulnerable children in the world.  When you purchase a Survival Gift, that gift is sent directly to that child.

This year, UNICEF’s new gifts include:

Other popular gifts Canadians love to give are:

1.         Water Purification Tablets
2.         Plumpy’Nut® (a peanut-based paste used to treat severe acute malnutrition)
3.         Bed Nets (prevents malaria)

Amazing gifts from UNICEF that truly make you take a step back during the holiday season.  I encourage you to check out the links above and tell others!  To that end, we have a 2-DAY FLASH GIVEAWAY from Halmark’s holiday collection and while you may do whatever you wish with the prize should you win – in the spirit of giving I’m asking you to consider donating it to someone in need in your community, or perhaps a community organization that could use this Mini Snowman 5-Piece Set on their tree!  Are you in?


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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