My Fabulous Life

My My My Gopher Face, My My Gopher Face

On Monday, after putting it off for oh…almost 20 years, I’m getting my wisdom teeth removed.  Yes, you read that right.  I was in my late teens when I was first told that my wisdom teeth should come out and I somehow managed to put it off until now.  Excuses abound (no coverage for awhile, then I had dental coverage but was pregnant, then pregnant again… you get the picture).

I then read that the older you get, the harder the procedure is on you so I figured, after my new dentist proclaimed it was time these buggers came out, it’s time.

I don’t doubt that I will look similar to this gopher by the end of the day tomorrow.  3 impacted (that is, IN my jaw, not at all out of the skin) wisdom teeth are coming out.

The silver lining is they are drugging medicating me well, and if I’m lucky, I might get to go to the land of unicorns and blueberries and onions and mushrooms like this girl. I love her.

So – got any tips or advice on how to survive this?


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  • Oh that video was hilarious. I never wake up from anesthesia that happy. In fact, the last time I woke up bawling my eyes out. My best advice for you is to pay close attention to the after care instructions and follow them precisely. Dry socket is no joke.

  • Wet a washrag and wring out excess water. Then lay it in the freezer. When you need a cool compress after surgery the rags are perfect.
    Good luck!!

  • Do everything they say to avoid the dreaded dry socket. I think they recommend NOT drinking through a straw and stuff. I didn’t listen after I had one of mine out, and it was awful. Oh, and don’t try to cut out your own stitches just because one is drooping and driving you nuts. That was a bad idea on my part. Other than that, you should be fine! Enjoy the meds and go hang with your unicorns!

  • I was 19 yrs old when I had all 4 out at once. When I woke up the nurse was there to check on me and asking how I was feeling. With a mouthful of cotton I couldn’t answer and in my drug induced state I told her to go away in sign language. As it turns out she knew sign language and began asking me questions in sign. I assumed she was deaf (still drugged up and not thinking clearly) so I answered back in sign. This went on until my mom went to take me home and cleared up the confusion.

  • Don’t feel bad. I delayed having mine out (for various reasons too) until I was 50!!! I was knocked out. Felt great after, just a little sore, and soft food for a few few days, but no biggy. No bruising either. I didn’t see unicorns, but I did have a great sleep.

  • Definitely do everything they say to avoid dry sockets. Had mine out last year (the 3 I still had) and all got dry sockets (so did the first one years ago.. hmmm) some people are more susceptible than others. Be very careful with your mouth the first few days – then if you think the pain is getting worse do NOT suck it up and try to ride it out. Big sign of dry sockets. I tried the suck it up thing, didn’t work but I did end up with amazing drugs, lol.

    Most people come out fine. Just be sure to eat nice soft food, avoid all the stuff the dentist says to and take the pain pills on schedule so you don’t get worse pain. Good luck!!

  • I got mine out in college. I got them out the same time as my younger sister had mono. She was dead to the world for days until I came home. She sat up and started laughing. I was like, “What?” She said, “You have shake dripping all down your chin!” 🙂 Just have lots of cold things to eat/drink at first. Malts, fruit shakes, apple sauce, protein shakes, you get the picture.

    I think everything is harder to get through as you get older. Good luck and take care.

  • I had two of mine removed about a year ago and I got dry socket on one of them. It was one of the worst pains I have experienced. I did everything they told me and still could not avoid it. Best of luck!

  • I have done of procedures under drugs and I get up and walk out, some people are groggy and sleep, for bleeding wet tea bags, squeeze out the tea bag and let cool, then put where ever there is extractions or cuts stops the bleeding!

  • Do NOT bend down so that your head is below your heart ( let’s say if you are tying your shoes). When the blood goes to your gums, it hurts like nothing else! Good luck!